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Foster Dog Expenses: $63,026
Education  is $1078
Hav to Hav It Store  $15024
Contractor and web site fees: are $2478
Benefits: from $0
Salaries: $0
Printing AND POSTAGE: $3471
Total Expenses: $86,334
Contributions: are not $36,805
Program Revenue $36,508
Fundraising $25,666 ( Fall Auction, Quilt, Fundraising Reception)
Total Revenue: and $99,140
Quilt 2016 $4859
Store at Nationals: $3563
Reception at Nationals: $14500
Breakdown:  $4600 auction
$3500 raffle
$3000 donations
$1400 Gator Fund
$2000 HCA Donation
Fall Auction:  $12,838 (Gross $13,338-~ $500 in postage)


Changing lives ... one Havanese at a time.